Egg White Benefits For Skin | Benefits of Egg For Face

I love taking care of myself and this is why I am applying egg whites to my face. What do egg whites have to do with taking care of myself? Egg white benefits for skin, Egg whites are not only good as a part of your diet, but you can also apply them to your skin. Here are some of the benefits of sleeping with egg whites on your face:

Egg White Benefits For Skin | Benefits of Egg For Face

Egg White Benefits On Face   

Bye Bye Acne

You may have tried all those expensive night creams they talk about in the commercials, but in the end, you were probably disappointed. Well, this is a less expensive remedy that may do just the trick. Take egg whites and stir them in a bowl until they have become white and fluffy. Once that is done, gently apply it to your face before you go to sleep. 

You can give it a boost by adding a little Vitamin E oil. Egg whites are a good source of protein and amino acids, these compounds tighten the pores of your skin which will help prevent breakouts. They also lighten the scarred skin and over time any acne scars should start to disappear. If you continue applying egg whites to your face for two or three weeks, you should start noticing the difference.

Moisturize Your Dry Skin

You may have dry skin and because of that, you may feel itchy during summer. This kind of skin is also susceptible to flaking, rashes, and cracks. So, what do you do? You moisturize your skin with egg whites. Although, this is one of those problems where egg whites probably won't be enough. You'll also need lemon juice and virgin coconut oil. 

The proteins and amino acids in the egg whites along with the antimicrobial properties of virgin coconut oil and Vitamin C present in lemon help in all levels of moisturizing your skin. Just make sure that you mix them properly, once that is done you can apply it to your face like a face mask. You can keep it on your face for 15 minutes before washing it clean. 

Keep it up two to three times a week and you should be able to say goodbye to dry skin. Oh, and while you are at it, we recommend that you keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least three liters of water daily. This will add more antioxidants to your body and increase the rate of collagen production.

Stand Up Against Wrinkles

Let's face it, no one likes growing old. By the time we hit our 40s, we start worrying about the signs of aging. One of the earliest signs is wrinkles, most people start getting them by their mid-30s and some even get them by their 20s. 

This is why people spend so much money on those expensive creams, but for a home remedy, egg whites are a good alternative. Just like with the acne scars we mentioned before, the nutrients in egg whites will tighten the pores and prevent breakouts. 

There is something else at work here, too Riboflavin, an antioxidant compound that reduces skin damage and prevents wrinkles and other signs of aging from surfacing. These same compounds also help to reduce puffiness under the eyes. So, yeah in case you were wondering how I look so young the answer is egg whites! Ok, it's time to move on to oily skin.

Wash Away the Oil

It seems that egg whites and lemon juice get along very well. Not only do they help with dry skin when mixed with coconut oil, but they can also be mixed with honey for treating oily skin. "Why add honey in the join?" Well, its antibacterial properties help by taking out the oil without letting go of the moisture. Meanwhile, egg whites toughen the skin and lemon juice absorbs the oil. 

One thing to keep in mind is not to overuse the lemon juice in this mixture and keep it to one teaspoon. This is because the lemon might feel uncomfortable and sting your face. Once again just like the other homemade remedies on the list, you can leave it on your face for about 15 minutes and then wash it away. If you feel any form of discomfort, wash your face right away.

Goodbye Blackheads

Blackheads are so annoying and are done just like Whiteheads, they are skin pores or hair follicles on the skin surface that are filled with oxidized sebum oil and dead skin cells. These things are usually more common in people with oily skin. In this case, we would suggest applying egg whites and lemon juice. Please keep in mind to only add one teaspoon of lemon juice, otherwise, it may sting. 

The egg white will stiffen the pores, which will automatically draw out the blackheads from the surface of your skin. Lemon does a good job of absorbing the oil and continuous application of this remedy should help reduce the blackheads within a few weeks. In case you don't have a lemon, you can try this with just egg whites.

Forget Facial Hair

When you combine egg whites with cornstarch and sugar, you get a very efficient remedy to deal with facial hair. This is a sticky solution which is the secret to its effectiveness. For this, you apply the mixture to your face and keep it there until it has solidified to become a full-on facial mask. 

Once things have stiffened up, take it off slowly, then wash your face. Pretty simple, isn't it? Yes, it may be a bit more difficult to do than it sounds, but hey this can help save a lot of money that you may have spent on spa visits. Egg whites are one of those things, that are edible and can also be used as a face mask. This reminds us of almond milk that you can not only drink but also apply to your skin by mixing with rose water.
