Why Scented Candles are Dangerous For Your Health

Cigarettes are terrible for your health. Most everyone knows that; however, some people might still be ignorant about second-hand smoke. It’s just as detrimental to a person’s health to breathe in smoke from someone else’s cigarette as it is to smoke one yourself. 

However, recycled smoke isn't the main way that individuals are harming their friends and family by consuming something of their quality. Did you know that candles can produce harmful effects similar to that of a lit cigarette?  In today's article, we're going to talk about why scented candles are dangerous for your health.

Why Scented Candles are Dangerous for your Health

Scented Candles

Those pumpkin-scented candles may smell fantastic in the fall, but they also have nasty by-products soot. It works like this: the paraffin in the candles, when burned, allows dangerous toxins to float into the air we breathe. 

Longer time three hours 

The more the candles burn, the more toxic the air becomes. It can get so toxic that candle companies have now begun to place stickers on their candles that recommend that they not be burned longer than three hours at a time. You may be thinking, “I burn candles longer than that all the time, and I don’t have any problems breathing.” 

Asthma attacks

Consider the fact that numerous studies show there are over a quarter of a million soot-related asthma attacks every year. Additionally, millions of workers have to take time off for soot-related illnesses each year. Some of these illnesses inevitably lead to untimely deaths. Paraffin isn’t the only one to blame though. 

Imported Candles 

Candles that are made outside of the United States may contain wicks that are partially made of lead. These candles are imported into the US and sold to many unsuspecting customers. Once the wick begins to burn, it releases the fumes from the lead. Those fumes contaminate your lungs first and eventually lead to other organs. 

Apple-cinnamon-scented candle

Next time you want to burn that apple-cinnamon-scented candle, make sure that you know where it was made, and pay attention to any warning labels that might be on the container. Or, to be on the safe side, use healthier alternatives to freshen up your indoor air. Open a window. Use a diffuser with essential oils, but don’t risk your family’s health for a nice-smelling room.


While scented candles may add a touch of luxury to our homes, it's crucial to be aware of the potential health risks associated with their use. Choosing natural alternatives, being mindful of the ingredients, and promoting better regulation are essential steps to safeguarding our well-being in the pursuit of fragrant and cozy living spaces. As with any household product, informed decisions and moderation can contribute to a healthier and safer home environment.
