Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe

Some things in life are a given, and one of these things is the fact that we need to wash our hair. Be it for cosmetic or hygiene reasons, we generally go to shampoo to enable us to wash our hair. The problem with this is that most of these products contain unpronounceable names that we know nothing about. So why not attempt and make your shampoo? In today's article, we'll teach you how to make a "homemade natural shampoo Recipe", with inexpensive ingredients.

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe

Homemade Natural Shampoo

The subsequent product hydrates nourishes, and conditions and leaves your hair feeling shiny and beautiful. However, the number one benefit is the fact that it doesn't contain toxic substances such as parabens which have already been tied to cancer in certain studies. But before we tell you the homemade shampoo recipe, we're going to talk about the benefits of each of the ingredients. 

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe


Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals. When used in your hair, it is a hydrating agent, making your hair shinier, smoother, and stronger, and keeping it from developing split ends. 

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe


Coconut is an antiseptic, it fights against fungi, and it deep cleans your scalp. Furthermore, it fights oiliness from the roots of your hair to the ends.

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe
Aloe vera

Aloe Vera 

This powerful plant is excellent for your skin and hair. It's mostly used to fight hair loss and improve hydration. 

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe
Castor Oil 

Castor Oil 

Castor oil strengthens your hair follicles and is rich in vitamin E which lessens the negative impact of free radicals on your hair's roots and scalp. Furthermore, it stimulates hair growth and has anti-fungal properties that prevent dandruff. Now that you know about the benefits of the ingredients, here's the recipe: 

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe

Homemade Natural Shampoo Recipe
Aloe vera gel, Coconut soap, Water, Honey, and Castor oil


1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel; 1 bar of coconut soap; 1 teaspoon of bee honey; 3 tablespoons of castor oil; and 1.5 liters of filtered water. 


Cut the soap and boil it with water (in a stainless steel or glass container, never aluminum). Whenever it's diluted turn off the heat and add the honey. Wait for it to cool and add the aloe vera gel and castor oil. Mix well and your shampoo is ready to be used. Pour it into an empty, clean, shampoo or conditioner bottle. It is recommended that you utilize this shampoo twice a week.


Taking control of your hair care routine by crafting your natural shampoo can be a rewarding and empowering experience. By using simple, plant-based ingredients, you can promote healthy, vibrant hair while contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. Experiment with different ingredients to find the perfect combination that leaves your hair looking and feeling its best.

Note: Before you use it for the first time, try it on your skin and wait for a few minutes to make sure you aren't allergic to any of the ingredients. If you don't see any irritation, you may proceed.
