14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

Have you ever heard of psoriasis? Psoriasis is described as a common skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. The cells eventually form into itchy, red patches on the surface of your skin. Not only can this be uncomfortable, but it can also be terrifying. I mean, who wants to walk around with visibly dead skin?

Psoriasis can be a drag, but look on the bright side, there is treatment. Let's take a look at 14 foods for psoriasis treatment. Those are Great For Fighting Your Psoriasis. What do you think about salmon? What is it about olive oil that's so great? Do you eat cherries? You may want to start.

14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

Food To Cure Psoriasis

1. Salmon

This may be a food you stayed away from as a child. But believe me when I say that salmon will help your psoriasis. Salmon contains a heck of a lot of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which can reduce your inflammation and help the immune system. So if you happen to hate salmon, do your best to hold your breath and eat it. Its health benefits outweigh the taste.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

2. Olive Oil

This may be one of the last things you expect to see on this list. Since it's high in fatty acids and Vitamin E, olive oil will go to war against your psoriasis as it proves to be an effective moisturizer. 
When using olive oil for this purpose, it is recommended that you dab a small amount of it on your sensitive areas. Professionals also confirm that you can add two small teaspoons to a warm bath. That is if you're looking to give yourself the full-body treatment.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment
Olive Oil

3. Cherries

You may already chew away on strawberries and raspberries. But how often do you fix yourself a nice bowl of fresh cherries? This can be a great addition to your battle against psoriasis. Fruits, in general, can be a rich source of antioxidants, which help to fight inflammation of the skin. 
But did you know cherries are particularly beneficial? Not only have cherries been linked to a lower risk of memory loss, cancer, and heart disease, but they are also a known combatant of inflammatory diseases… Like psoriasis.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

4. Blueberries

Here's another member of the berry family that will fight against psoriasis any day of the week. Blueberries are packed with Vitamin C and fiber. They are also a great source of manganese, an important mineral that will help strengthen your brain, bones, and nervous system. So even if you're not a psoriasis patient, it's always good to get a little more blueberry in your life.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

5. Trout

Now for many of you, salmon may have already been a reach. Let's kick it up a notch, shall we? Trout is yet another amazing source of Omega-3 Fatty Acid. While you may not be a fish person, trout is just one more efficient option for treating your psoriasis. 
If you're up for it, why don't you try rainbow trout? Just three ounces can contain 100% of your daily Vitamin D intake. If you're desperate to treat those annoying, itchy skin patches, you can't afford to be picky here, guys.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

6. Brussels

Sprouts It's about time we had a vegetable on this list. This is, of course, one more demon food from your childhood you wish you could forget, but to be honest, if you want to treat your psoriasis, do you have a choice? Brussels sprouts contain your usual antioxidants. 
Not only can they decrease stress and inflammation, but they will also give you that much-needed boost of Vitamin K. One half-cup of Brussels Sprouts contains your daily intake. That's a heck of a lot. So put your happy face on, and at least pretend to enjoy them.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

7. Avocado

If you can handle guacamole in every meal, you'll be able to handle some regular avocado. This popular fruit is rich in Vitamin K as well as antioxidants. Not to mention they are loaded with fiber. 
While it may be one of the fattiest of the plant fruits, Avocados do contain more potassium than bananas. To put it simply, people who eat avocados regularly tend to be much healthier than people who skip out.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

8. Cinnamon

We don't expect you to be running out to the store to buy cinnamon in bulk, but if you dare, these products hold some amazing benefits in skincare. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants that help fight off things such as NF-kappaB, a protein linked to several skin conditions. 
While there is no official dosage recommended by professionals, it's suggested you consume a tablespoon of apple cider mixed with a dash of cinnamon as much as three times a day.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

9. Goat's Milk

Okay, we're not trying to get wacky here. Just follow along. Many people feel that goat's milk soap is an efficient cream to treat psoriasis once it's placed on the skin. While regular milk and other dairy products, in general, are associated with creating inflammation, goat's milk is considered an effective treatment for many patients. 
Keep in mind, that goat's milk isn't available to everyone. If you would like regular milk, there are some minor benefits. Milk carries a little something called Vitamin D, which is something that doesn't hurt. If you drink milk in moderation, you're in the clear.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment
Goat's Milk 

10. Eggs

While we're on the topic of Vitamin D, eggs are another terrific source. But remember the term "moderation". Dairy products such as milk and eggs can be a healthy dietary choice for psoriasis if you consume them wisely. If someone's a little too lazy to go out and lay in the sun for an hour, these foods will help you catch up on your Vitamin D intake. 
Remember, too much egg can result in psoriasis flare-ups. Since it's hard to lose track, stay on the safe side, and try your best to remove the yoke. I know it's the best-tasting part, but egg yolk is packed with arachidonic acid, which can be linked to inflammation.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

11. Swiss Cheese

We're certainly caught in a bit of a dairy theme here. But like we did with goat's milk, we're getting specific yet again. Not all cheese is great when it comes to treating psoriasis. Along with its fair share of calcium and Vitamin K, Swiss Cheese also carries a great amount of… you guessed it… Vitamin D!
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment
Swiss Cheese

12. Carrots

Just so you know, we're not trying to bore you with these choices. We just found a way for you to wedge a bunch of dairy products into your diet. That's seen as a no-no when it comes to helping psoriasis. It's time we went with a safer choice. Carrots are another great Vitamin D source. The more choice you have on your plate, the better chance you have of reducing inflammation.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

13. Grains

Don't forget to eat these… Said every parent you've ever met. We've talked about fruits and vegetables carrying antioxidants. But they are just one of the many hidden gems found within grains. They are also high in fiber, which is one heck of a plus when it comes to reducing inflammation.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment

14. Coconut Oil

Now, this is the one you've definitely all been waiting for. Who doesn't love a bit of coconut oil? There's a bit of a twist with this one. I know we said "diet tips", but this isn't one you eat. Coconut oil works by rubbing it gently onto your skin. While other oils simply moisturize the surface, coconut oil will hold some of that moisture in, causing the inflammation to reduce and your skin to seem much smoother.
14 Food For Psoriasis Treatment
Coconut Oil
