Health Benefits of Epsom Salt | Epsom Salt Bath Benefits

Epsom salt supplies a wealth of health and beauty benefits. Its secret ingredient is the chemical combination of magnesium sulfate. The body utilizes magnesium to regulate hundreds of enzymes and also plays a vital role in many bodily functions. A magnesium deficiency can result in high blood pressure, osteoporosis, or migraines. 

Sulfate plays a role in the formation of brain tissue and enhances the body’s absorption of essential nutrients. Since magnesium sulfate can be absorbed through the skin, daily submerging in an Epsom salt bath can be extremely therapeutic. In today’s article, we’ll highlight the top Epsom salt benefits

Health Benefits of Epsom Salt | Epsom Salt Bath Benefits

Epsom Salt Benefits 

1. Eases Aches & Pains 

The next time your body keeps aches and pains, reach for Epsom salt. Its magnesium can alleviate swelling and inflammation. It also has been shown to help lower high blood pressure and prevent osteoporosis and migraines. 

Magnesium decreases stiffness, inflammation, and most pain associated with arthritis, including gout. This miracle worker assists in bone mineralization promotes nerve functionality and soothes nerve pain. Three times a week, add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to hot water. Soak for 20 – 30 minutes. 

2. Epsom Salt Bath Benefits 

The magnesium in Epsom salt helps in eliminating harmful toxins from the body and detoxifies cells to flush out environmental contaminants. To enjoy a comfortable detox bath, add one to two cups of Epsom to a warm bath two to three times a week. Soak for about 20 minutes 

3. Stress Reliever 

Epsom salt can relieve stress, which can drain the body of magnesium and increase adrenaline levels. It too can trigger the release and uptake of serotonin, a mood-enhancing chemical in the brain. The proper levels of serotonin regulate anxiety and create feelings of well-being and relaxation. Add 1 cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath three times a week and soak for twenty minutes. 

4. Relieves Muscle Cramps 

Epsom salt is a great remedy for treating muscle cramps or relieving sore muscles after workouts. The magnesium reduces inflammation which eases pain. This helps promote muscle relaxation and healing. Create a thick paste of Epsom salt and hot water. Apply it to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes for soothing comfort. 

5. Improves Digestion 

Epsom salt helps in the elimination of harmful toxins and waste products from the body and the digestive system. It furthermore works as a laxative in treating constipation. Dissolve 1 or 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt in 1 cup of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach one time a day. 

6. Adds Volume to Hair 

Epsom salt can add body to your hair, remove excess oil from your scalp, and keep both healthy. Over time, chemicals in shampoos and conditioners can accumulate on the scalp and can result in oily hair, thinning hair, and hair loss. 

The minerals in Epsom salt can repair or strengthen damaged hair. To create a voluminous hair mask, mix equal parts of a warm deep conditioner and Epsom salt. Apply to slightly damp hair. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cold water. 


Only use this treatment once a week. If you have oily hair, add a small bit of Epsom salt to your shampoo and wash your hair as usual. Doing this can be up to two times a week. 

7. Exfoliates Skin 

To maintain a healthy, glowing complexion, it’s essential to exfoliate once or double a week to eliminate dead skin cells. Exfoliation also removes excess oil from skin pores so your skin doesn’t become fertile ground for pimples, itchiness, blackheads, and other common problems. Gently rub a handful of Epsom salt over damp skin to clear dead skin cells. Rinse with warm water or pat dry. 

8. Improves Heart Health 

Epsom salt is also heart-friendly. Magnesium improves blood circulation, which reduces the chances of heart disease and strokes. Magnesium helps maintain a routine heart rhythm and healthy arteries. Healthy arteries will mean there is less risk of developing blood clots, plaque buildup, and damage to arterial walls. Enjoy an Epsom salt bath 3 times a week to improve your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of a heart attack. 

9. Alleviates Foot Problems 

Rough and callused feet also need tender care. Epsom salt can soften dry, rough heels. Its natural properties work wonders in diminishing foot odor and also improve athletes’ foot and other foot problems. Add ½ cup of Epsom salt to a foot tub filled with warm water or soak for ten minutes daily. Symptoms should improve soon. 

When handled internally, Epsom salt can cause adverse side effects, including gastrointestinal irritation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Consult your doctor before taking Epsom salt. Do not take it longer than one week. 