Health Benefits of Onion | Benefits of Onions

The onion is a popular food widely used as a seasoning in several dishes, and it’s also great at preventing and combating various diseases because it boosts our immune system. Because it contains quercetin, saponin, allicin, and anthocyanin, it can fight colds, infections, the flu, asthma, allergies, bad cholesterol, hypertension, and aging. 

It even protects against cancer. This is why onions have been used to treat numerous diseases for thousands of years. One of the most popular foods in the world. We will know today 5 the health benefits of onion. 

Health Benefits of Onion | Benefits of Onions

5 Health Benefits of Onion 

1. It helps with coughing

Peel an onion and cut it into large slices. Lay the slices in layers in a glass jar with a lid and throw brown sugar on top. Close the lid and let it sit for at least six hours and you’ll have natural cough syrup. Take a spoonful of this syrup whenever you feel that it’s necessary. Make a new batch every two days. If your symptoms persist or if the coughing becomes worse, consult a healthcare professional.

2. It serves as a decongestant

Mix a crushed onion with a little extra virgin coconut oil until it forms a paste. Apply it to your chest, put a towel on top, and wear a shirt. Stay like this until you feel warm. Then, when you do, remove the towel and rinse your chest.

3. It can help break a fever

It may seem strange to put an onion in your sock, but this recipe is great at lowering your temperature when you have a high fever! Slice an onion in half. Put one half of the onion in one sock, and the other half in the other. Then wear the socks, making sure that the onion is pressed against the soles of your feet. You will notice that your temperature will drop quickly.

4. It soothes insect bites

This is where the antihistaminic properties of the onion come into play. If you have been stung by a bee or wasp, putting a bit of grated onion directly on the skin can relieve pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties will reduce any swelling. Keep the onion in place until the pain has subsided by using gauze which should be replaced regularly.

5. Helps relieve colicky children

Cut one onion into slices and boil it in some water. Let the liquid cool, then strain it. Give your child a teaspoonful of this tea every hour until their symptoms disappear. Most people avoid eating onions because they give you bad breath, but you can fix this problem easily. 

Just chew on a few parsley leaves or eat some walnuts or almonds. Onions keep for a while, so you can store them on your countertop for up to a month. Due to this, there is no downside to stocking up on onions. 


Beyond their role as a culinary delight, onions emerge as a nutritional treasure trove, offering an array of health benefits. From bolstering the immune system to promoting heart health and aiding digestion, the layers of goodness within this versatile vegetable make it a must-have in your daily diet. So, the next time you chop onions for your favorite recipe, savor not only the flavor but also the multitude of health benefits they bring to your plate.