Home Remedies For Dandruff | Dandruff Treatment At Home

If you have ever noticed white pieces on your clothes, at that point you probably have dandruff. Dandruff is an uncomfortable situation, that leaves white and dry flakes throughout your hair and can cause itching, irritation, or a burning sensation on your scalp. It can happen to all types of hair because it happens both due to your hair being dried out or excessively oily. In today's article, we are going to talk about home remedies for dandruff. 

Home Remedies For Dandruff | Dandruff Treatment At Home

Dandruff Treatments

The key to getting rid of dandruff is to control the oiliness of your scalp by washing your hair daily with specific dandruff treatment shampoos. The good news is that it can also be prevented with some natural homemade remedies that will get rid of your dandruff and leave your hair feeling strong and nourished. 

Lots of people suffer from this problem, and we have been asked in the comment section about natural dandruff treatments. In the article, we want to share 3 home remedies that will help you get rid of your dandruff.

Homemade Remedy For Dandruff

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to its antioxidant properties, it helps boost our immune system, balance our skin’s pH levels, and reduce inflammation. Apple cider vinegar is used to combat dandruff because it makes it more difficult for fungi to spread on our scalp. 

Mix a cup of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water in a spray bottle, and spray it on your hair, massaging it into your scalp 2 to 3 times a week. Massage the root of your hair and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Home Remedies For Dandruff | Dandruff Treatment At Home
Apple cider vinegar

2. Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera is widely used in beauty treatments, since it’s rich in vitamins, and has great anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. If you use aloe vera, your dandruff is sure to improve. Extract the gel from the plant. Massage it into your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair as normal.

Home Remedies For Dandruff | Dandruff Treatment At Home
Aloe Vera 

3. Honey and Egg 

A honey and egg hair mask eliminates the appearance of dandruff and also moisturizes and restores your hair’s natural oil production. These ingredients contain enzymes and essential amino acids that prevent dandruff when they are absorbed into your hair follicle. Beat an egg with two tablespoons of honey (50 g), and apply the mixture all over your hair. 

Then cover it with a shower cap and let it sit for 30 minutes. Once the time is up, wash your hair with your normal shampoo as usual. Repeat 3 times a week. And in addition to these natural remedies, changing some of your habits might help you get rid of dandruff and keep your hair healthy:

Home Remedies For Dandruff | Dandruff Treatment At Home


Avoid baths with very hot water because it makes your roots produce more oil; Avoid high-fat foods; Avoid sleeping on or putting your hair up when it is wet or damp; Do not rub your scalp with your nails because this can cause head injuries. Instead, massage it with your fingertips, in smooth, circular movements; Avoid wearing any type of hat; If you have dandruff, incorporate these new habits into your routine try one of our natural remedies.