How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

In this article, we will teach you how to heal your thyroid naturally. Changes in the thyroid gland are winding up increasingly frequently, and appear up to 7 times more frequently in ladies than in men. The causes for this can be varied, ranging from nutrient deficiency or hormonal imbalances to an excess of toxins or food allergies, but it's not always easy to realize, that we may be experiencing a problem with this specific hormonal gland. 

How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

Our thyroid is very important for our body since it interferes with the health of our heart, our metabolism, our brain function, and more. Did you know that fatigue, apathy, hair loss, and weight gain may all be related to Hypothyroidism disorder? 

How To Cure Hypothyroidism Naturally

When there is a change in our thyroid, it can cause us to develop Hypothyroidism. In addition to seeking a doctor to diagnose your problem and prescribe you the correct treatment, you also need to improve your day-to-day habits. Thyroid Foods to Avoid:

How To Cure Thyroid Naturally

Avoiding Gluten 

People with a sensitive bowel may be intolerant to gluten which can cause inflammation in their intestines and thereby weaken Hypothyroidism.

Avoiding Fluoride 

As we have seen before on the Website, excessive fluoride in our body can cause several health problems, one of them being thyroid dysfunction. According to research, fluoride causes iodine deficiency, which plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy thyroid. 

Regulating Iodine 

Levels Since we’re already talking about iodine, do you know if your iodine levels are within the normal range? If not, you can increase them by taking supplements, or by eating more potatoes, seafood (such as shrimp, cod, and seaweed), plums, and others. 

Decreasing BPA Exposure 

This toxic substance causes our hormones to become unbalanced and can cause Hypothyroidism disorders. Therefore, avoid canned foods and plastic containers that are not indicated to be free of BPA. 

Eliminating Heavy Metals From Your Body 

Getting rid of the heavy metals that are present in your cells and tissues, will reduce Hypothyroidism problems. And, according to research, cilantro can perform this detox. Cilantro is a commonly used spice around the world. It can be consumed in several ways, and even though eating its leaves is the usual way, brewing a cilantro tea will also work. You really should include this beneficial drink in your daily routine. 


1 teaspoon of coriander seeds, 1 cup of water, and Honey (optional). 

How To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally
Honey, Coriander seeds, and Water 


Boil the water and add the coriander seeds. Cover the pot with a lid, and let it steep for 15 minutes. Presently, take the pot off the stove and strain the infusion. Wait for it to cool off then drink it. If you want, you can sweeten it with some honey. Drink it each morning on an unfilled stomach. According to people who have already used it, after a couple of weeks, you will begin to see the results.


While these natural approaches can complement traditional medical interventions, it's crucial to approach thyroid health holistically. Consistency is key, and individual responses may vary. Always seek professional advice before making significant changes to your health regimen. By adopting a balanced lifestyle, you can support your thyroid and enhance your overall well-being naturally.
