Cabbage Benefits | Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage is a very versatile ingredient. We can eat it in salads, pickles, soup, pies, juices, etc. Yet, what many don't know is that cabbage contains many healthy properties. This vegetable contains large amounts of vitamin C, which helps produce healthy skin and collagen, boosts our immune system, improves eye health, and protects against heart disease, among other cabbage benefits. Cabbage has several uses that we're going to tell you about in today's article: 

Cabbage Benefits | Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage For Health

Cabbage also can quicken the healing of ulcers, prevent certain types of cancer (such as colon cancer), and much more. In addition, cabbage contains substances that if consumed regularly accelerate the metabolism of estrogen, decreasing the chances of the development of breast, uterus, and ovarian cancer. In any case, eating cabbage isn't the best way to benefit from its properties. 

4 Health Benefits of Cabbage

1. Breast pain due to breastfeeding 

Women who are breastfeeding usually experience breast pain due to nursing babies or congested milk. Whatever the reason, cabbage leaves can help. To do this, just put fresh leaves on your breasts. It will reduce pain and inflammation in no time. 

Cabbage Benefits | Health Benefits of Cabbage
Breast pain

2. Headaches 

If you have headaches from lack of sleep, stress, or fatigue, try putting some cabbage leaves on the affected region. Ideally, let the cabbage leaves cover both sides of your head, and if necessary use a cap to hold the leaves in place.

Cabbage Benefits | Health Benefits of Cabbage

3. Bruises and wounds 

If you have been hit or bruised, you may be able to get some relief by putting a cabbage leaf on the affected area. You can do the same in case of ankle, joint, or knee pain. If it's convenient, you can leave the leaves on from one day to the next using a bandage. 

Cabbage Benefits | Health Benefits of Cabbage

4. Thyroid Glands 

Cabbage can help regulate these glands. Simply put a few leaves on the throat and neck area, directly on the skin, then wrap it with a tissue to keep it warm at night. Sleep with the compress and remove and wash the area the next morning. Now that you know a little more about the benefits of cabbage leaves, start using them!

Cabbage Benefits | Health Benefits of Cabbage
Thyroid glands 


Incorporating cabbage into your regular meals can be a simple yet effective way to enhance your overall health. From its impressive nutrient profile to its potential cancer-fighting properties, this unassuming vegetable deserves a place on your plate. 

Whether enjoyed raw in salads, sautéed as a side dish, or fermented into kimchi, cabbage offers a myriad of health benefits that make it a valuable addition to a balanced and nutritious diet. So, next time you're at the grocery store, consider grabbing a head of cabbage and savoring the health benefits it has to offer.
