Homemade Pregnancy Test with Shampoo

Confirming your pregnancy through a shampoo test is one of the easiest and quickest pregnancy tests. The preference for utilizing this test is that you do not need any special tools or techniques to get an exact answer. If you’ve been planning a newborn, the moment you miss your periods, you are eager and would want to know whether you are pregnant. At such a time, running to the nearest shop to grab the pregnancy kit may seem like a time-consuming task, and you would want an alternative way of confirming your pregnancy. 

In today's article, we are going to talk about "homemade pregnancy test with shampoo". Before pregnancy kits came into existence, ladies often carried out homemade DIY pregnancy tests. In this article, we are going talk about one of those homemade pregnancy tests, the shampoo pregnancy test. Read on to learn more about this unconventional technique and its purported indicators of pregnancy. Also, we’ll discuss the reliability of such tests and compare them to more traditional options.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Shampoo

Pregnancy Tests with Shampoo At Home  

What Is the Shampoo Pregnancy Test?

The shampoo pregnancy test is a DIY homemade pregnancy test taken out using some shampoo and your urine sample. The test is supposed to confirm pregnancy at home, although its accuracy is debatable. The shampoo is spoken to react a certain way with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), which is released by women after they conceive.

Is It Safe to Use?

Using shampoo for pregnancy tests is deemed safe when adhering to the provided instructions diligently. However, for any apprehensions regarding pregnancy status, it is advisable to seek guidance from a healthcare professional. Utilizing a shampoo pregnancy test is not a reliable or scientifically validated method for confirming pregnancy. 

Unlike commercially available pregnancy tests, which notice the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine, the shampoo test relies on a chemical response that may not accurately indicate pregnancy.


It’s crucial to note that relying on irregular methods can lead to inaccurate results, causing unnecessary stress or overlooking a genuine pregnancy. For real results, it is advised to use commercially available and medically authorized pregnancy tests.

How to Take Out the Shampoo Pregnancy Test at Home?

As with any test, it all starts with the collection of a few things before you get on with the test. Here’s what you need


  • Sample of the first urine of the day
  • Two sterilized containers
  • A clean stirrer
  • Shampoo


  • In a bowl, take a sample of the first urine of the day.
  • Take another bowl and put some water in it.
  • Put a few drops of shampoo in the bowl with the water and mix to form a nice soapy solution.
  • Add to it a small amount of the urine that you have collected.
  • Check the mixture for changes or reactions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Pregnancy Test with Shampoo

The following are the Advantages and disadvantages of taking a pregnancy test using shampoo.

Advantages of Using a Shampoo Pregnancy Test

  • Accessibility: Shampoo is readily available at home, making it a convenient option for those without immediate access to a store.
  • Cost: It’s a cost-effective way as it doesn’t require purchasing a commercial pregnancy test kit.
  • Privacy: Conducting a test at home with shampoo provides privacy, especially for those who may be uncomfortable buying a pregnancy test.

Disadvantages of Using a Shampoo Pregnancy Test

  • Unreliable Results: Shampoo pregnancy tests are not scientifically validated and can cause inaccurate results, leading to confusion and anxiety.
  • Lack of Sensitivity: Commercial tests are designed to notice low levels of hCG, ensuring early pregnancy detection. Shampoo tests may not be as susceptible.
  • No Standardization: There is no standardized procedure for a shampoo pregnancy test, making it subjective and prone to user error.
  • False Positives/Negatives: The test may create false positives or negatives, increasing the risk of misinformation about pregnancy status.
  • Delay in Seeking Professional Help: Relying on unverified techniques could lead to delayed confirmation of pregnancy or appropriate medical care.

How to Interpret the Test Result?

As with the other DIY homemade pregnancy tests, the shampoo pregnancy test could also show a slight reaction to adding the urine. If the combination starts frothing or foaming on the surface, it could mean you are pregnant. Yet, if the mixture remains unchanged and there isn’t any reaction at all, then you may not be pregnant.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Shampoo
Pregnancy Test Result: Pregnant OR Not Pregnant

Things to Remember When Carrying Out the Test

This test may require some preparation. It’s most suitable to drink a good amount of water the night preceding the test so that the first urine of the day is in good quantity. Following the instructions exactly the way they are is important too. Any unwarranted shaking or stirring of the mixture could cause a false reaction to take place. 

And sometimes a negative result could be a false negative as well. Use your judgment and knowledge of your own body as a marker, and the results of this homemade pregnancy test as purely a preliminary call for further action.

Does the Shampoo Pregnancy Test Work?

The test may not always work because the chemical formatting in each shampoo varies. Furthermore, the test result may show a slight, hardly noticeable change, which may or may not imply you are pregnant. 

Therefore, whether you do a homemade pregnancy test or not, if you are planning a newborn and have missed a period, you must check with your medical practitioner and get a proper urine and blood test done to confirm your pregnancy. In case, you have amenorrhea and the test result shows negative, consult your gynecologist.

How Accurate Is the Pregnancy Test With Shampoo?

This homemade pregnancy test may not take a lot of time to display results, but it has no scientific basis and is most likely to be inaccurate. Also, homemade tests do not have a standardized nature since the results can vary based on the cleanliness of the bowl, the time of urine, the time of urine, the sort of shampoo used, the components present in it, and so on. 

Therefore, the result that one obtains out of tests like these is generally a trial run of sorts, which could be hit or miss with equal probability. Most pregnancy kits function to sense the reality of the HCG hormone in the urine, which is a key indicator of pregnancy. The HCG hormone needs to be present in good quantities in the urine for any test to catch it successfully. The morning urine is qualified for such situations. 


So, if the urine contains a proper quantity of the hormone, it could have some reaction with the homemade pregnancy test with shampoo, but it doesn’t guarantee an accurate result. Regardless, on a general note, these tests can be good as preliminary ones and, based on the response and your knowledge, you may choose to opt for a test at a hospital following this.