Home Remedies For Toothache | Toothache Remedies

Toothache is one of the most inconvenient pains. And that's why it's better to go to the dentist as soon as it appears. But, sometimes, it's not possible to go to your trusted dentist. Do you know what to do in these moments? Pain always indicates that something is wrong. 

As in the case of a toothache that can have different reasons. According to experts, a toothache is usually caused by exposure to dentin, usually because of cavities or receding gums.  In today's article, we're going to talk about 3 home remedies for toothache.

Home Remedies For Toothache | Toothache Remedies

Emergency Toothache Relief

Many times, it is also caused by infections or inflammations. If you can't immediately go to the dentist, rinsing your mouth with warm water and salt can help since one of the most common causes is a dental infection. Besides that, sucking on an ice cube or cold compress on your cheeks can also take immediate relief. If you have tried all these methods and nothing worked, do you know what is the best homemade medicine for a toothache? Learn about 3 natural ingredients that can benefit you:

3 Home Remedies for Toothache


With medicinal properties, it can immediately reduce your pain and also has a bactericide action. Just chew on a garlic clove to relieve your pain.

Home Remedies For Toothache | Toothache Remedies


Rich in analgesics, cloves are one of the simplest things to relieve your pain. You can chew on the clove, drink clove tea, or apply clove oil to the place where you feel pain. Be careful to not leave the oil for too much time on your mucosa since it can burn.

Home Remedies For Toothache | Toothache Remedies


Thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericide action, propolis has no contraindications. A homemade, but very effective recipe is to rinse your mouth with masala tea and propolis. Boil 2 tablespoons of masala, add 30 drops of propolis, and let it cool down. Then, drink this mix 3 times a day and rinse your mouth with it after meals.

If none of these choices work, go to the dentist immediately. According to experts, utilizing medicines without orientation can cause even more harm. Have you ever tried a natural medicine, besides the ones we showed, that worked? Share your experiences with us!

Home Remedies For Toothache | Toothache Remedies
