6 Habits That Are Bad For Your Skin

Carrying care of your skin is essential for maintaining a healthy and radiant complexion. However, certain everyday habits may be contributing to skin issues without you even realizing it. In this article, we'll explore six common habits that can be detrimental to your skin health and offer tips on how to break them.

6 Habits That Are Bad for Your Skin

Habits That Are Bad for Your Skin 

1. Using too many skin products 

Did you understand that oiliness, excessive dryness, and even pimples are how the skin responds to some of your habits? Alternative skin products can be a challenge since new preservatives and ingredients can contribute to the appearance of acne and aggravate issues. It also includes products for acne, which can negatively affect your skin when used in excess. Instead of trying different products, try using 1 or 2 and give them time to produce results. 

2. Never change your skincare routine according to the season 

Skincare modifications a lot depend on the seasons since they affect the characteristics of the skin, During winter, due to low air humidity levels, the skin tends to get dry. Using astringent isn't recommended as it dries the skin even more. Hot showers are another thing that dries the skin during the coldest season. 

During winter, we need to use creamier moisturizers. In summer, skin tends to get oily, so the steps are reversed. You still need to hydrate the skin but with lighter serums. Another thing to consider is the dryness caused by pools, seawater, and the sun, or, still, some fungi on the skin, which is common during beach season. 

3. Toxins in your makeup remover 

Another common cosmetic that clogs the pores and causes acne is the toxic component found in makeup removers. Although makeup itself is already problematic, your routine for removing it can also irritate the skin. Thoroughly wash your face after using makeup removers to remove any residues after a long day. 

4. Letting hair products touch your skin 

Many hair products, including conditioner and shampoo, can clog the pores of your skin and cause rashes, acne, pimples, and irritations in the scalp and face. This happens because hair products usually contain sulfates that clog the pores. To avoid this, opt for sulfate-free products. Also, for better protection, try using protective bands on your foreheads or covering your face with a towel the next time you use hair products. 

5. Sleeping on your stomach 

Your pillowcase absorbs everything, and when you sleep face down, your face gets pressed against everything stuck in your pillow, which causes acne and clogs your pores Sometimes we drool while sleeping, especially when sleeping on our side, and that clogs our pores, and makes the skin absorb things that cause acne breakouts and irritate the skin. 

6. Not washing your face in the morning 

The buildup of oil, dirt, and bacteria is the result of a long night's sleep. When we sleep, the skin undergoes a repairing process that produces oil and toxins. Not cleaning this buildup in the morning, ages the skin directly contributes to wrinkles, and even interferes in the action of some skin products, like sunscreens. 

That's why washing your face right in the morning is recommended, cleaning the pores, and starting the day with fresh skin. Besides this lifestyle, we recently talked about why you shouldn't use towels to dry your face. These are some other tips to help you have pretty skin.


Breaking these habits and adopting a skincare routine that prioritizes cleanliness, protection, and hydration can significantly improve the health and appearance of your skin. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to maintaining beautiful and radiant skin.
