Home Remedies For Food Poisoning

You certainly have heard about salmonella, right? Many people know it as the biggest responsibility of food poisoning. Salmonella enterica and Salmonella Bangor are types of bacteria transmitted by poorly cooked eggs, chicken, beef, and pork, non-pasteurized dairy, seafood, or contaminated vegetables. Did you know that Salmonella bacteria can affect chickens' ovaries and infect an egg even before it is laid? 

Some food can also be contaminated by animal feces or by people who handle infected foods and don't wash their hands properly after going to the toilet. Did you know that gastric acid usually destroys Salmonella? So, to suffer from food poisoning, it is necessary to consume a great amount of this bacteria unless the person has a gastric acid deficiency. This deficiency can happen in: children under 1-year-old, old people, or people who take antacids or any medicines that suppress gastric acid production. In today's article, we're going to talk about home remedies for food poisoning.

Home Remedies For Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning Symptoms

The main symptoms of this sickness are abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, and they usually appear 12 to 36 hours after the ingestion of contaminated foods. In most cases, the symptoms occur for a limited and determined period. This way, the treatment can be done at home, aiming to alleviate the symptoms and keep the patient well-hydrated. If you have symptoms of food poisoning, learn about 3 natural medicines that will help you:

Natural Remedies For Food Poisoning 

1. Ginger Water

Ginger has many medicinal properties that can be used. Its antiviral and antibacterial action helps the body fight intoxication. Besides that, it also helps regulate intestinal transit and alleviates the inflammation in the intestinal mucosa, reducing pain and bloating. To make ginger water, you will need: 


  • 0.80" of Ginger Root. 
  • Honey.
  • 1 Cup of Filtered Water.


In a blender, add the ginger root, peeled and mashed, with some drops of honey and the water. Blend until smooth, and strain. You can drink it 3 times a day.

Home Remedies For Food Poisoning

2. Garlic Tea

Consuming garlic tea can help stop the growth of Salmonella bacteria, thanks to its antibacterial power. For that, just mash two garlic cloves, and pour one cup of boiling water over them. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, and drink. Do not add sugar or artificial sweeteners, so that the compounds can be fully absorbed by your body.

Home Remedies For Food Poisoning

3. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal absorbs bacteria (like Salmonella and Staphylococcus), and viruses (such as that responsible for Aphthous fever), and, thus, it is a great help in cases of food poisoning. The charcoal helps eliminate the toxins present in blood in contact with the intestinal walls and also fights abdominal pain and gas. You can take 1 capsule of vegetable charcoal twice daily when you show the symptoms. Did you know of any of these natural medicines to treat food poisoning at home? For a quicker recovery, remember to:

  • Drink lots of water, coconut water, and natural juices.
  • Rest and stay at home.
  • Eat light foods like fruits, cooked vegetables, and lean meats.
  • Avoid fatty and heavy foods.
  • Avoid alcoholic or carbonated beverages.
  • Avoid taking medicines to stop diarrhea.

If the infection doesn't go away after 2 days, even after following one of these homemade treatments and taking all additional care, go to a hospital or talk to a doctor. Depending on what microorganism caused your sickness, hospitalization, and IV antibiotics may be necessary.

Home Remedies For Food Poisoning


To avoid food poisoning, you should take extra care with anything that takes raw eggs, such as mayonnaise, and also with chicken meat, which should always be consumed well. While the bacteria are usually associated with foods from animal sources, they can also come in vegetables that come in contact with contaminated water.


Although food poisoning can be a painful experience, incorporating these natural home remedies can often relieve symptoms. Hydration, a bland diet, and the use of natural ingredients such as ginger, activated charcoal, and probiotics can help speed recovery. 

Remember, these treatments are suitable for mild to moderate cases, and it is important to consult a healthcare professional if symptoms persist or worsen. Additionally, rest and proper care play an important role in allowing the body to recover. By combining these home remedies with proper rest, individuals can often find comfort and support in their journey to recovery from food poisoning. 
