7 Natural Tips For Folliculitis Treatment At Home

Do you have small, white bumps on your arms? Do you know what it means? It might be folliculitis! Folliculitis happens in any part of the body, even on the scalp. These hair follicles get inflamed and look red and swollen, which leads many people to confuse them with pimples. Folliculitis causes itchiness, pain or sensitivity, burning sensation, plus rough, dry, or flaking skin. 

It is usually caused by ingrown hairs but can also happen because of fungal or bacterial infections, which cause redness on the skin and small bumps filled with pus, similar to acne, that itch and cause a burning sensation. Folliculitis is more popular on the buttocks, crotch, legs, arms, beard, and scalp. People who wear tight clothes, shave, and wear makeup are more prone to have folliculitis. To help yourself, we will give you, 7 natural tips for folliculitis treatment at home:

7 Natural Tips For Folliculitis Treatment At Home

Folliculitis Home Treatment 

1. Aloe vera

Refreshing, aloe vera gel can immediately heal your skin and alleviate the itchiness, redness, and swelling. This also helps treat some of the bacterial infections that cause folliculitis. Look for a pure aloe gel without any perfumes or chemicals. Clean the skin with water and neutral soap, then apply the gel over the area.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a recognized antibacterial homemade medicine. Thanks to its sulfur, garlic offers antiviral and antibacterial properties that manage many skin diseases, including folliculitis. Eat three or four garlic cloves a day or take garlic capsules to avoid getting your hair follicles inflamed. 

3. Coconut oil

We are always reading about the many health benefits of coconut oil. Rich in capric acid, fatty acids, and lauric acid, coconut oil is wonderful for protecting the skin. Apply virgin coconut oil over the affected area every day.

4. Neem oil

Neem leaves plus oil are antiseptic and antifungal. In traditional ayurvedic medication, neem is used to treat a variety of skin diseases, including folliculitis. Did you know that? Use neem oil, or boil some neem leaves, and once it is warm, gently apply over the affected area. Repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times a day to get faster results.

5. Oregano oil

This is a different natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic oil that can be used to treat folliculitis. To potentialize its effect, combine it with a carrier oil, like almond, jojoba, or grapeseed oil. However, if your skin is sensitive or cracked, do not use oregano oil. 

Avoid essential oils if you are pregnant or nursing, as they might not be safe for the baby. Also, essential oils should never be applied directly to the skin. Always dilute them in a carrier oil or moisturizer. Remember to always do an allergy patch test before using these oils to avoid any reactions and skin issues.

6. Apple Cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar plus white vinegar are efficient when we want to reduce the rashes caused by folliculitis. Apple cider vinegar is antiseptic and contains antibacterial plus antiviral properties, as we saw in this video. To treat folliculitis, combine a part of vinegar, either white or apple cider vinegar, with two parts of filtered water (the water must be at room temperature). Apply over the affected area with a clean cloth for 5 to 10 minutes.

7. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is probably one of the most effective natural medicines to treat folliculitis. Applying witch hazel directly over these areas that are prone to getting inflamed hair follicles, helps reduce the redness and swelling. With a cotton pad, apply some witch hazel tea over the affected areas and notice how your situation quickly improves. If you try any of these methods but still get white bumps on your skin, visit a dermatologist to check what is the most beneficial treatment for your case.
