How To Clean House | House Cleaning Tips

How to clean the house? In today´s article, we are going to learn some tricks that will make a big difference in how you clean from now on. Cleaning is not always easy, especially when we don’t have that much time. What's more, you don't need to go out and purchase each cleaning item available. 

You can just use a few ingredients that everyone has at home and it’ll be easier than you ever imagined. Also, as you know, most of the products sold in supermarkets can be harmful to our health and the health of the planet. If you want to deep clean your house, here are 7 natural tricks that your house will make everything shine. 

How To Clean House | House Cleaning Tips

7 Ways To Keep Your House Clean

1. Clean Your Couch With Baking Powder 

Did you know that baking powder is the perfect natural ingredient for cleaning upholstery and carpets? All you do is sprinkle the upholstery with the powder, let it sit overnight, and then vacuum it the next day. Remove stubborn stains by wiping them with a damp sponge soaked in baking powder.

2. Clean Oily Pans With Vinegar And Baking Soda 

Fill the pan with water, add a glass of white vinegar, and place the mixture over low heat. Once it’s boiling take it off the heat and add two tablespoons of baking soda. Pour out the water and scrub the oily part until it disappears! 

3. Get Rid of For With Rubber Gloves

Do you use rubber gloves when you wash the dishes or use chemicals? Put on those gloves and run your hands all over your carpet or upholstery. Your glove will be covered in hair, and your furniture will look new! 

4. Clean The Tile Grouts on Your Floor 

Want to clean the tiles on your floor? Just use a detergent container, white vinegar, and baking soda. Fill up half the container with the white vinegar and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Wet the grout with the mixture and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing. 

5. Clean Your Microwave 

Put a bowl of water with a few lemon peels in the microwave and let it heat up for a little bit. At that point simply clear the steam off within the microwave and you're finished.

6. Make Sure Your Windows Shine 

Window cleaning is one of the most boring chores ever. The problem is that most products leave stains on the glass. So besides a good product, it’s important to have a good technique. Try starting with the frames. Then fill a bucket with warm water and add a few drops of detergent and alcohol. Now just clean the windows as normal. 

7. Get Rid of The Musty Smell In Your Cabinets And Wardrobes 

You can get rid of that stale stench and cabinet smell easily if you use the following mixture: Mix 1 part white vinegar and 1 part alcohol into a spray bottle. Spray throughout your cabinet on the mildew stains and wipe clean with a damp cloth. 

There you go. If you use these tips, cleaning the house becomes a more practical and easy task. Also, natural products, protect your health and the environment. If you have any suggestions leave a comment below.


Maintaining a clean home involves a combination of daily habits and periodic deep-cleaning efforts. By incorporating these seven practical tips into your routine, you can create a living space that is not only clean and organized but also conducive to a healthy and stress-free lifestyle. Remember, the key to a consistently clean home is commitment and consistency.
