How to Make Homemade Mouthwash

How to Make Homemade Mouthwash? Taking care of your oral health is important, and an easy way to boost your routine is to use homemade mouthwash. By making your mouthwash, you can control the ingredients, avoid harmful chemicals, and enjoy a refreshing, natural alternative. In this article, we will guide you through an easy homemade mouthwash recipe that not only promotes oral hygiene but also keeps your breath fresh.

How to Make Homemade Mouthwash

Homemade Mouthwash 

Most people already know that poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay and bad breath, but there’s much more to oral health than meets the eye. When we don’t take care of our teeth as we should, we are putting the rest of our bodies at risk. Even though it may seem strange, our oral health assumes an essential job in our general health. 

Disregarding our teeth means increasing our risk of heart disease, dementia, and breathing problems, and it may even influence preexisting conditions such as diabetes. Another thing to worry about is oral cancer, which can manifest itself as soreness or growth on your tongue, gums, lips, cheeks, throat, and even the floor of your mouth. 

Almost 50,000 Americans a year are diagnosed with some form of oral cancer, and dental hygiene plays an important role in its development. Now after learning all of this, you might feel an urge to be extra zealous when it comes to brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, but that might actually be worse. 

When you read the back of any store-bought mouthwash you can immediately see that it has a high concentration of alcohol, along with a bunch of other ingredients you’ve never heard of before. Every one of them has dangerous side effects and ought to be avoided. Here’s a list of names to watch out for:


Alcohol is added to mouthwash to kill the bacteria, and it’s what causes the tingling feeling. But since it dries out your mouth, it ends up causing bad breath instead of preventing it, and altering your mouth’s pH balance, causing cancer. 

Benzalkonium Chloride 

This substance is a mouthwash disinfectant ingredient that can cause extreme allergic reactions such as inflammation, difficulty breathing, and skin irritations. 


Geraldine can have serious repercussions for your health. It can cause brain clots, abnormal heart rhythms, allergic reactions, and even cancer. 

Cetylpyridinium Chloride 

Due to its high levels of alcohol, it can cause your tongue extreme amounts of irritation and sensitivity, and also stain your teeth. 


Some of the side effects of chlorhexidine include teeth staining and high blood pressure levels. 

Methyl Salicylate 

Methyl Salicylate is added to give fragrance and flavor to mouthwash but can be fatal. Overdosing on methyl salicylate may cause vomiting, spasms, hypotension, shortness of breath, vision problems, kidney failure, etc. 


Several studies have proven that methylparaben can speed up cancer and tumor growth, yet it’s still found in cosmetics that we use daily. On the off chance that you wish to maintain a strategic distance from these risky reactions without surrendering the freshness of mouthwash then you should attempt our natural mouthwash recipe:

Homemade Mouthwash Recipe:  


  • 2 cups of warm water 
  • 1 and 1/2 ounces of birch sugar (xylitol)
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda 
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil 
  • 1 empty glass bottle with a lid. 

How to Make Homemade Mouthwash
Warm water, Birch sugar, Baking soda, Peppermint essential oil, and a Glass bottle


Blend all of the ingredients in the glass bottle, close the lid, and shake until the mixture is even and everything has dissolved. Use it as you would any other mouthwash, every morning after brushing your teeth, and without rinsing afterward so as not to interfere with the birch sugar.


  • Shake the bottle well before each use.
  • Swish the mouthwash around your mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Spit out the mouthwash and avoid swallowing.


By adding this homemade mouthwash to your daily oral care routine, you can enjoy the benefits of natural ingredients while maintaining fresh breath and a healthy smile. Experiment with the amount and ingredients to find the mouthwash you like, and remember to complement its use with regular brushing and flossing for oral health.