7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes and flies are two insects that consistently fly around our home and irritate us, and as though that wasn't at that point terrible enough, they can likewise transmit diseases. At whatever point we see them around our house, our first response is ordinarily to grab some anti-agents to repel them. In any case, did you realize that there are a few plants that can likewise keep these creepy crawlies far from your home? 

These plants repel insects due to the essential oils present in them, which happen to be what gives them their pleasant odor. At the end of the day, having rosemary or lavender planted in your garden will significantly reduce the presence of these unwanted insects. In today’s article, we’re going to tell you 7 plants that repel mosquitoes.

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes 


Basil is incredible at repulsing mosquitoes and flies, and since it does best in direct sunlight, it ought to be put closed doors or windows. Furthermore, you can use it as a seasoning due to its delicious fragrance. 

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


You’ve probably seen these bright yellow flowers decorating gardens before, but you may not have known that they can repel insects. Just like basil, marigolds also emit a pleasant smell that scares off bugs. 

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


While catnip may attract cats, it keeps mosquitoes away. A study has even shown that it’s 10x more potent than most store-bought repellents. 

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


We’ve already talked about rosemary oil’s health benefits on this channel, but its fragrance is also able to keep mosquitoes and other flying insects away. Like basil, rosemary is also a great seasoning, giving you another reason to have it around. 

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrin, a natural insecticide. This substance repels mosquitoes and other insects such as cockroaches, beetles, and flies. You can also use this plant to avoid getting bug bites by rubbing the leaves on your skin. 

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


One of the most common plants used to repel insects and decorate front porches is geranium. Geraniums smell strongly of lemon and citronella. There are also ivy geraniums that contain a substance that is a natural insecticide and repellent, so it keeps mosquitoes away. 

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


This is probably one of the best-known alternatives to repel insects, and it’s used to make candles and oils. The plant serves as a repellent on its own, but you can use it directly on your skin to further prevent bug bites. Try crushing some citronella leaves and rubbing them straight on your body. You can also make a concentrated tea to clean your house with, or leave in alcohol for a few days and use it as a spray. It becomes even more effective when used with two other natural repellents such as catnip and geranium.

7 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes


By incorporating these plants into your outdoor spaces, you can create a natural and visually appealing barrier against mosquitoes. Not only do these plants add beauty to your surroundings, but they also provide a pleasant fragrance, making your outdoor experience more enjoyable. Consider combining multiple mosquito-repelling plants to maximize their effectiveness and create a vibrant, mosquito-free environment.